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Martial Arts


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If you have studied Martial Arts for any length of time at all, you all ready know that your mind plays a most important role in your success.  You need more than mental staying power, more than a positive attitude, you need a state of mind and belief in yourself that ultimately molds who you are as a human being.  To grow from practicing Martial Arts to being a Martial Artist. I know, my name is Brian Laverdiere, I am a registered certified clinical Hypnotherapist and I hold a 2nd degree Black Belt in Soo Bahk Do (Tang Soo do). I am a current instructor and have been for more than eight years. You will be amazed at the difference these Hypnosis audio's make, I guarantee it.

Martial Arts Programming Tape 1

 cassette.gif (1001 bytes) Side A: IMPROVING YOUR KICKS

Suggestion Examples:
bulletYou react instantly and accurately.
bulletEvery day you improve your kicking ability.
bulletEvery day you kick faster and harder.
bulletYou now perfect your snap and speed kicks.
bulletYou now perfect your power kicks.
bulletYou now coordinate your strikes and kicks for maximum effectiveness.
bulletYou now accomplish your martial arts goals

cassette.gif (1001 bytes)  Side B: IMPROVING YOUR STRIKES & PUNCHES

Suggestion Examples:
bulletEvery day, you strike with more and more power and speed.
bulletYou now coordinate your strikes, punches and kicks for maximum effectiveness.
bulletYou now draw upon all of your past awareness to perfect your techniques.
bulletYou are a martial artist with incredible punching and striking ability.

Martial Arts Programming Tape 2

 cassette.gif (1001 bytes) Side A: INCREASING YOUR SPEED & ACCURACY

Suggestion Examples:
bulletYou react instantly and accurately.
bulletYou draw upon your total awareness in kicking and punching.
bulletYour perception becomes sharper and more focused.
bulletYou make progress with each training session.
bulletYour techniques are focused and accurate now.
bulletspeed and accuracy now increase greatly

cassette.gif (1001 bytes)  Side B: INCREASE CONCENTRATION & ENERGY

Suggestion Examples:
bulletYou now concentrate better than ever.
bulletYou have more energy than ever before.
bulletYou relax when you are training and performing drills.
bulletYou eliminate distractions when kicking and punching.
bulletYour concentration becomes sharper.
bulletYou draw on your total body and mind in kicking and punching.

Martial Arts Programming Tape 3

cassette.gif (1001 bytes)  Side A: PERFORM PERFECT FORMS

Suggestion Examples:
bulletYou move with relaxed power in your form.
bulletYou move with even, f lowing speed .
bulletYour forms are precise and accurate.
bulletYou project power in every movement you make.
bulletYou are now focused on your individual movements.
bulletYou are not distracted by your surroundings.
bulletYou now perform powerful, flowing forms.

 cassette.gif (1001 bytes) Side B: SPAR & WIN

Suggestion Examples:
bulletYou are now totally confident in your sparring ability.
bulletYou are relaxed and focused whenever you spar.
bulletYou are confident and enjoy the challenge of sparring.
bulletYou draw on your total awareness in sparring.
bulletYour mind is calm and focused whenever you spar.
bulletYou are now physically relaxed but energized when you

Martial Arts Programming Tape 4

cassette.gif (1001 bytes)  Side A: YOUR NEXT BELT-A PERFECT TEST

Suggestion Examples:
bulletYou are totally confident in your ability.
bulletYou are relaxed and focused for your test.
bulletYou enjoy the challenge of per- forming under pressure.
bulletYou draw upon your total awareness during your test.
bulletYou enjoy performing your martial arts routines.
bulletYou perform your forms perfectly.
bulletYou win your next belt.

 cassette.gif (1001 bytes) Side B: BECOME A MARTIAL ARTS CHAMPION

Suggestion Examples:
bulletYou are totally confident in your martial arts skill.
bulletYou enjoy the challenge of mastering a difficult art.
bulletYou are a talented and dedicated martial artist.
bulletYou know that effort and time will bring you success.
bulletNothing can prevent you from realizing your goal.
bulletYou are already on your way to being a champion.

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Each tape come with the described two topics for just $19.99*

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Get any two tapes (four topics) for just $29.99**

cassette.gif (1001 bytes) cassette.gif (1001 bytes) cassette.gif (1001 bytes) cassette.gif (1001 bytes)

Complete Set: all four tapes (eight topics) for just $49.99***

*P&H $2.50 USA / $3.50 Foreign
**P&H $3.50 USA / $4.50 Foreign
***P&H $4.50 USA / $5.50 Foreign

 Write the tape titles you desire on this printable



Behavioral Change Hypnosis Hypnosis Tapes Custom Order Guaranteed

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